The rhythm of life

“ ….. take into consideration that from birth the child has a power in him. ….. We must not think we can make him” Montessori 1935, in The Child, Society and the World When I started to work on my Montessori granny blog I was filled with excitement and some trepidation. With enormously patient help…

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Following the child?

Never mind, you get on my back and we will both get there. The child does not want “to get there” the child wants to walk, but his legs are disproportionate in size to ours and disproportionate to the size of his body, so we must not make the child to follow us, we must follow the child. The need to follow the child is clearly demonstrated here, we must remember that it is the rule of all education of children in all fields. (Absorbent Mind –chapter 15 – Development and Imitation)

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I need to climb trees

During the last few weeks Poppy’s need to climb high has dominated every walk and every adventure outside. It may be because the playgrounds have been shut during the Lockdown. It may be because the family adventures have taken her to local woods during the recent hot weather. It may be because her sensitive period…

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Gift of grand-parenting

Where to begin? Despite all our technology and modern science the gift of human life continues to be a miracle we all rejoice in sharing.  When we saw the first scan of our granddaughter we were overwhelmed with joy, we followed her weekly development with her parents as our dear peanut grew into an aubergine…

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On the Move

Beginning to Crawl At the same time as Poppy was looking for opportunities to climb trees, her sister Willow embarked on the initial moves necessary towards crawling. Over the past three weeks, just as she turned six months, she has started to pull herself up on all fours – this momentary movement took huge amount of…

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